Molly Jane Zuckerman is a content creator, journalist and editor in the cryptocurrency space. When she’s not writing about cryptocurrency, she’s writing about Russian politics and detective literature.


I write for a living, which is rare. I value the exploration of human nature through my words, whether they are about technology, literature, society or anything in between.

The Book Swarm

I’ve recently launched a Telegram channel about books with a dear friend, Kristina Lucrezia Corner. You can find us — The Book Swarm — right here. We’re just two girls trying to read every book in the world — and then tell you about each and every one of them.

Off Topic with Molly Jane

I don’t care much about tech, I don’t care a whole lot about finance, either. I care about writing stories and watching weird things unfold. And that’s why I’ve ended up in crypto. But because I’m missing that passion for what crypto and blockchain are all about — finance, tech, privacy, yadda yadda — I’m going to write instead about what I am actually interested in. Everything about crypto that has very little to do with crypto.

That’s what this column will be about. All the tangential stories that come out of the blockchain and crypto space, what I think about them, and how I navigate it all as a skeptical former Russian literature major. It’s precisely my perch as an outsider that lets me do what I do: Opine on all sides of any crypto issue, no strings attached, no skin in the game.

At Blockworks, I strive to create the best cryptocurrency opinion section that has existed thus far in an online newspaper. The field is small, but I have big dreams.

In fact, if you’ve found my website and want to help me achieve those dreams by writing an op-ed worthy of a Pulitzer for Blockworks, email me:


March 2023-Current



Jan. 2020 – Jan. 2023

As a content manager at CoinMarketCap, the biggest crypto data aggregator in the world, I had the pleasure of bringing my editorial experience to their blog, newsletter and YouTube channel — as well as create CMC’s first educational platform, CMC Alexandria. My goal at CMC was to bring a human perspective to their oodles and oodles of data, like through our Crypto Titans interview series, when I asked crypto influencers ranging from the Winklevoss twins to former CFTC commissioner Christopher Giancarlo (Crypto Dad) about their lessons learned in both crypto and life.




Starting as a journalist at Cointelegraph right when Bitcoin hit $20,000 in late 2018, I was thrown directly into the very heart of the crypto craze. As I got more and more interested in the innovative, and often ridiculous, world and people of crypto, I became a managing editor and eventually head of news at CT. I also spent all my free time not editing or writing articles as the face of the CT YouTube channel, flying to places like San Francisco and Switzerland to track down the crypto weird and wonderful.